Corporate activities are becoming increasingly IT intensive and deficiencies in information systems could directly slow down business activities, causing a significant impact on companies. In addition, when deficiencies in information systems are detected, it is necessary to identify the cause and clarify where responsibility lies.
The main focus of our advisory service is to assess the integrity of information systems and verify the integrity of data produced based on information in order to ensure information system integrity and solve problems. Another focus area is to provide services to solve conflicts related to information systems during lawsuits or when preparing for lawsuits. Our support service includes the following:
- Information system integrity assessment
We conduct an integrity assessment on the development process of target information systems or information systems themselves based on certain standards. We also investigate the accuracy of specific functions that are added to information systems such as add-on functions. - Data verification
We verify data integrity by analysing and verifying the details of specific pieces of data to see if they contain invalid data or unauthorized access is made. - Support to solve conflicts related to information systems
When conflicts arise regarding information systems in terms of whether specific functions and requirements are formulated as a system, we provide support to resolve conflicts by verifying whether the systems are developed as requested.