Financial Due Diligence For Initial Public Offering (IPO)

Financial Due Diligence For Initial Public Offering (IPO)

Short term financial investigation 

An IPO short review is a short term financial investigation conducted for the purpose of identifying issues that may arise during the IPO process. In pursuing an IPO, it is important to develop an organisational structure to ensure organisational management and a framework to ensure timely disclosure. These frameworks are examined by securities firms, and stock exchanges.

At BDO, experienced certified public accountants conduct IPO short reviews in order to understand various issues that may arise during the IPO process. Examples of issues include the following:

  1. Establishment of business management system
    Status of the establishment of corporate organisational system/internal check-and-balance system, including the Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board, and various rules
  2. Establishment of profit management system
    Status of the establishment of budget system to develop an annual/mid-term budget (mid-term business plan) and analyse the difference between budget and actual results
  3. Establishment of business management system
    Status of major operations such as sale, purchase, and cost management
  4. Establishment of accounting management system
    Status of investigation of important accounting policies, understanding of issues, implementation of monthly/annual financial reporting required for timely disclosure
  5. Establishment of a framework for related-party transactions
    Development of methods to understand the details of and resolve transactions with related parties that may become a problem during the IPO process